Training Schedule

On the left, click on any picture to enlarge it and see the school.

On the right, you can see the daily training schedule.

Session 1 is basics (body strengthening, stances etc) and for learning new skills: forms, applications, etc depending on your training plan.

Session 2 is for your own repetition. This allows students to manage their own priorities & energy. The goal is to practice enough that you are ready to learn something new in Session 1 the next day.

An Shifu leads Session 1 each day. Session 2 is lead by a high ranking student, including many national champions, or by An Shifu himself.

At 7:20pm 2-3 evenings a week, An Jian Ping (An Shifu’s sister) leads a Taijiquan & Qigong class. Students are encouraged to attend this even if they are not studying Taijiquan: these soft forms greatly improve health & recovery.

Taijiquan & soft training room

Sanda & hard training room

Daily Training Schedule

This is the basic schedule covering Mon – Sat, except there is no training Saturday afternoon. Sunday is a day off. The schedule may change depending on the weather, if a competition is coming up, etc.

Before 9am
Free time: wake-up, breakfast, self-training

9am – 12pm
Session 1 (basics, new skills)

12:30 pm – 3:30pm
Lunch & rest

3:30pm – 6:00pm
Session 2 (self-study)

6:00pm – 9:30pm
Dinner, free time; optional Taijiquan & Qigong classes 2-3x a week
